Picosecond Laser

1064 532 755nm Pico Laser Tattoo Removal Machine

There are different types of pico laser tattoo removal machines on the market, but not all lasers are created equal. Nanosecond lasers, which deliver pulses of light in nanoseconds, have been used for years. Picosecond laser, on the other hand, are trillionths of a second. Studies show a picosecond laser removes tattoos faster and more completely than the existing nanosecond laser technology, resulting in upwards of 30% more ink clearance.


How many treatments a patient will need depends on their tattoo size, tattoo colors, skin types, and other key factors. Several sessions may be necessary to effectively remove larger tattoos. Generally, treatments are spaced out with 4 weeks in between.


The PicoLaser is a must-have for any modern tattoo removal clinic or aesthetic practice. Provide safe, effective, fast tattoo removal with the PicoLazer aesthetic laser device and ensure what matters most for your patients: minimal downtime and high satisfaction rates.

Picosure Laser Tattoo Removal

Unwanted dark and multi-colored tattoos can be safely and effectively eliminated with the laser tattoo removal machine. Using a combination of laser wavelengths that target different ink colors, high-intensity light beams break up the ink particles in the tattoo, revealing clear, ink-free skin with minimal risk of scarring or hypopigmentation. Successful multi-color tattoo removal requires a high-powered laser that can deliver enough energy within the absorption spectrum of a wide range of colors. 

1064nm 532nm Laser Tattoo Removal

The high-power Picosecond Nd YAG laser 1064nm laser is ideal for treating darker colors (blue, black, and green), while the 532nm wavelength is effective for brighter ink colors (red, orange, and yellow). The treatment mechanically breaks down ink particles without causing thermal damage, causing the tattoo to fade with minimal risk of scarring or hypopigmentation.


755nm Laser Pigment Removal

755nm honeycomb laser treatment head: High absorption value of melanin, used for epidermis, sunburn, subcutaneous pigment chloasma, tattoo, etc. Skin rejuvenation, stimulate the proliferation of collagen, eliminate acne, and fine lines, shrink pores, etc.

APPLICATIONS Pico Laser Tattoo Removal Machine

Permanent Pico Laser Tattoo Removal

Skin Rejuvenation, Holleywood Peeling

Pico Laser Pigmentation Removal

Laser Carbon Peeling

Pico Laser Skin Whitening

Pico Laser Eyebrow Tattoo Removal



When the pico laser light is being absorbed by the pigments, the light will vibrate, fragments the particles into really thin “dust”and breaks up melanin and pigment particles in picosecond laser pulses. This in turn means that the skin takes a lesser time to heat up and reduces the risk of hyperpigmentation. The Laser pulses generate a pure photoacoustic effect that targets the pigments without affecting the surrounding tissues.


How does pico laser tattoo removal laser machine work?
The Picosecond YAG laser tattoo removal is the most effective way to remove natural or artificial (tattoo) pigmentation while minimizing the risk of damage to surrounding tissue. As the area heals, the body's immune system flushes away the shattered pigment, revealing lighter, clear skin with minimal risk of scarring or hyperpigmentation.

Picosecond Laser PS1


Pico laser machine is for:

Lightening of pigmentation such as freckles, melasma, age spots, birth marks, dark acne scars
Reduce the large pore sizes, whitehead and blackhead
Diminish acne scars
Reduce acne and acne scars
Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
Remove tattoo
Skin rejuvenation by stimulating collagen production
To treat uneven skin tone

Treatment of Picosecond Laser Hair Removal


The Picosecond Laser Machine for Pigmentation Removal delivers the high energy required to effectively remove tattoos of all types and depths and is particularly effective for treating resistant tattoo ink colors such as lime-green, and sky-blue. With precise targeting and high peak power, YAG laser tattoo removal machine removes tattoo piments in fewer treatments, achieving greater patient satisfaction.


Picosecond YAG laser tattoo removal is the most effective way to remove natural or artificial (tattoo) pigmentation while minimizing the risk of damage to surrounding tissue. As the area heals, the body’s immune system flushes away the shattered pigment, revealing lighter, clear skin with minimal risk of scarring or hyperpigmentation.


FAQ of Pico Laser Tattoo Removal Equipment


Which colors can PicoSure laser tattoo remove?
PicoSure laser tattoo removal targets all colors.


What is PicoWay Laser Focus/PicoLazer?
Ground-breaking innovative technology which performs non-surgical and non-invasive laser skin treatment to focus on specific problem areas on multiple areas on the body and not just the face. PicoLaser Focus treats: Brown spots, Sun damage, Freckles, Pigmented lesions, Melasma, Acne scars, Stretch marks, Wrinkles and Fine lines.


What makes PicoSure Focus/PicoLaser treatment so unique?
It uses high energy instead of heat to selectively destroy under skin discolorations and promotes elastin production, which results in skin firmness and reduction in appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Selective targeting of problem areas with high energy instead of heat, which all other lasers use, leads to preservation of healthy skin and virtually no downtime after the treatment.


Can I get PicoLaser treatment in the summer?
Yes! Because PicoLaser uses high energy as opposed to high heat, it significantly decreases skin damage and makes it a very safe treatment during summer, while all other lasers, including IPL, should be avoided due to increased risk for sun burn and skin irritation.


What can I expect during and after a Pico Laser treatment?
Tattoo removal with Pico Laer is done through a series of treatment sessions, each about four weeks apart. The length of each tattoo removal session depends on the size and color of your specific tattoo. Most of the time, small tattoos can be treated in a matter of minutes. Larger tattoos may require a bit more time.


With Picoscond laser skin rejuvenation, there is no special prep and the treatment typically takes about 10-15 minutes. Most patients experience no pain and describe the treatments as feeling like the snapping of a rubber band against their skin. Before the procedure, we will apply a topical numbing cream to your skin so you will feel as comfortable as possible.


After your treatment, you may experience 1-3 hours of minor swelling and redness. Because these laser systems do not damage the surface of your skin, you can apply makeup moisturizers, and sunscreens immediately following your treatment. 


Why Choose Evoaestic Laser Pico Machine for your laser tattoo removal?
Evoaestic Laser is a state of the art practice which caters to men and women. In order to continue providing quality service, the practice's goal is to provide clients with the latest and best technology out there. Currently, PicoSure laser is the gold standard treatment for laser tattoo removal. 


What is the cost of a PicoLaser treatment?
Pico Laser Tattoo Removal starts at $100/square Inch with a 3inch minimum. The cost is based on the size of the area and number of treatments needed to address your specific area of concern. Discounted packages are available. An exact quote of cost of a Picolaser treatment will be provided at your free consultation, after we have had an opportunity to do a complete assessment of your tattoo or skin. 


How many PicoSure Tattoo Removal treatments do I need?
The number of treatments is based on the location of the body, the amount of ink, the amount of color, the clients skin type, as well as other factors. A professional opinion can be provided at your free consultation, after we have had an opportunity to do a complete assessment of your skin.


For More details, please contact Hebei Evoaestic Laser WhatsApp +86-18833693830.

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Picosecond Laser PS2

Picosecond Laser PS3

1064nm 532nm 755nm Q Switch Nd Yag Laser